Leaky Roof

Leaky Roof

If have a leaky roof, you’ll need to address that issue as soon as possible. A leak doesn’t always show up right away. It may take multiple rainstorms before the leak becomes apparent. Most often, you’ll see a water spot on a ceiling. If you live in a two-story home and see evidence of a water problem on the first floor, you are most likely looking at a plumbing leak. However, water will travel by the path of least resistance and might show up on an exterior wall. Either way, there’s no time like the present to rectify the issue.

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Questions Before Buying a Fixer-Upper

Questions Before Buying a Fixer-Upper

There are questions you need to ask yourself before buying a fixer-upper. These need to be answered before you jump in feet first. Crossing your t’s and dotting your i’s is in your best interest. Finding a darling home in a state of disrepair presents a lot of unknowns. Even a house that looks in top shape can have many underlying problems. Some of these issues are small, and some can break the bank. What Are The Issues With the Property? You’ve found the quaint home with a busted-up white picket fence, but what other problems does the house face?

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